6 Easy Cocktail Recipes for Beginners

6 Easy Cocktail Recipes for Beginners

We can all agree that bartenders who make those super-complex cocktails behind the bar counter have some amazing skills. Learning how to make these drinks takes a lot of time, effort, and dedication. It also involves a lot of spilled drinks and broken glass. That said, making cocktails at home isn’t impossible. Quite a few of them are easy to make and can be made in a jiffy.

Here are some easy cocktail recipes for beginners:

1. Fluffy Duck
You don’t want to miss a cocktail with a name this cute. For this, you need 25ml of advocaat, 25ml of white rum, 25ml of cream, and lemonade. Next, pour all the ingredients over a bed of ice and let the lemonade work its magic. You can get creative by swapping the cream with a scoop of ice cream. Garnish with an orange slice for that extra zing. This cocktail is light, creamy, and delicious.

2. Sex On the Beach
Here’s a cocktail that’s perfect for any time of the year. The goods? 200ml cranberry juice, 100ml orange juice, 75ml vodka, and 75ml of peach schnapps. Next, add all the ingredients into a shaker. Build this drink over a bed of ice in a highball glass and garnish with an orange slice. This classic cocktail is easy to whip up and makes for the perfect summer drink to enjoy by the beach.

3. Long Island Iced Tea
This one is as strong an alcoholic cocktail can get, and here’s why. The ingredient line-up includes equal parts of light rum, vodka, gin, tequila, lime juice, and cola. Put all of that in a shaker and mix the ingredients vigorously. Don’t forget to throw in a generous amount of ice. Pour the mixture into a glass and garnish with lemon wedges.

4. Piña Colada
This summer staple is quick and easy to make and does not include any added sugar. To make this sweet cocktail, you will need 50ml of white rum, 25ml of coconut cream, 25ml of single cream, and 200ml of pineapple juice. Mix everything in a shaker and serve the concoction over a bed of ice in your favorite tiki mug. Garnish this tropical delight with a slice of pineapple.

5. Mojito
This one is one of the most easy-to-make cocktail recipes for beginners. You will need half a lime, four to five fresh mint leaves, and a spoon of sugar. Add these to a glass, throw in a few strawberries as well, and then mash everything together. Finally, add 50ml of rum, either Captain Morgan’s original spiced rum or Havana Club, to the mixture, and the drink is ready to serve.

6. Tequila Sunrise
You will need 25ml of grenadine, 175ml of orange juice, and the key ingredient, 50ml of tequila. First, mix the orange juice and tequila. Then pour the mixture into a glass over some ice cubes (crushed ice works too). Finally, add the grenadine syrup, and let it settle. The cocktail is delicious and has a pleasant citrusy taste.