7 Foods to Avoid with Osteoporosis

7 Foods to Avoid with Osteoporosis

Over eight million people globally suffer from fractures caused due to osteoporosis. Not many people know this, but diet plays a crucial role in preserving bone health. If a person is suffering from the condition or wants to prevent its onset, certain foods must be avoided. It’s important to talk to your doctor about lifestyle and dietary changes that can help ease osteoporosis symptoms as well as ask them about Evenity copay cards to help cover the cost of medication. Let us talk about some of these harmful foods in detail.

1. Salty foods
If a person wants to keep their bones healthy, they must limit their salt intake. One can do so by avoiding fast foods and pre-packaged foods that are loaded with extra salt. Excess salt can lead to calcium excretion through urine. Therefore, a bone-friendly diet should include no more than five grams or less than a teaspoon of salt.

2. Carbonated beverages
Soft drinks contain phosphoric acid that can cause loss of calcium through the urine. Moreover, almost all soft drinks lack calcium, failing to make up for the loss.

3. Caffeine
A person can lose up to six milligrams of calcium for every 100 grams caffeine ingested. It is especially troublesome for women as they don’t get enough calcium in the first place. However, one can limit their caffeine intake to 300 milligrams a day to balance the calcium loss.

4. Soy products
While some soy products, such as tofu, edamame, and soy beverages, are fortified with bone-friendly protein, they also contain plant compounds that can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb calcium. It becomes problematic if one consumes too many soy products but does not take enough calcium.

5. Sugary snacks
It is necessary to keep sugar intake in check, especially if one has a sweet tooth. Excessive intake of sugar in place of nutrient-dense food can adversely impact bone health. For a good osteoporosis diet, one must consider satisfying their sweet tooth with cranberries, prunes, and other antioxidant-rich fruits that contain bone-friendly nutrients.

6. Legumes
Beans are great for health, but not when a person has osteoporosis. They contain phytates that inhibit the body’s calcium absorption. However, they must not be eliminated from the diet. All one needs to do is reduce the level of phytates by soaking the beans in water for some time before cooking.

7. Spinach and Swiss chard
Raw spinach and Swiss chard are rich in calcium. However, they also contain oxalates that can make calcium unavailable for one’s body by binding it together. This is why health experts recommend balancing these leafy greens with other calcium-rich foods, such as cheese, to make up for the loss.

Apart from avoiding these foods , osteoporosis patients must   also   work with their doctor to formulate a diet plan that can supply the body with essential nutrients to build strong bones.