The 7 Most Toxic Plants for Cats

The 7 Most Toxic Plants for Cats

Not many people are aware, but some garden and house plants are lethal for your cats. While they rarely consume a lot to cause severe damage, cats may pick at its leaves or stems out of curiosity that can cause them severe discomfort. Since it is better to be safe than sorry, avoid keeping the most toxic plants in your home.

Some of the most poisonous plants for cats are mentioned below:

1. Azalea
Azaleas belong to the rhododendron family of plants that are considered to be harmful to your cats. These ornamental plants may look beautiful in your home or garden, but even a small nibble by your furry pets can expose them to serious heart problems. If you notice signs of weakness, diarrhea, or vomiting, take your cat to a doctor immediately.

2. Chrysanthemum
These popular house plants bring a burst of colors to your living room. But there are certain species of chrysanthemums, including daisies, whose stems and leaves can be poisonous for cats.

3. Daffodil
These traditional spring flowers, along with tulips, can prove to be fatal for your kittens. Bulbs inside these flowers are often the most toxic part. If you have planted them in your garden, you need to take extra precautions to prevent your cats from unearthing the bulb. Low blood pressure, convulsions, and vomiting are some common signs of ingestion.

4. Hydrangea
These are common garden plants that are immensely popular in flower arrangements. While they are not one of the most toxic plants for cats, ingestion of hydrangea flowers can cause stomach pain, weakness, and vomiting.

5. Iris
Iris is among the favorite flowers found in most traditional gardens. Even though they can increase your curb appeal, all parts of the plant are toxic for cats, especially the bulbs that can cause gastrointestinal issues. If your cat likes to dig in the garden, then take precautions to prevent your cat from reaching the bulbs.

6. Ivy
Ivy is most commonly used for shade in gazebos or ground cover. It is also used as house plants. However, if you have cats at home, you must know that these plants are considered moderately toxic for your pets. Apart from causing gastrointestinal issues, they can also lead to coma or death if they ingest a significant amount of leaves.

7. Lily
Lilies are available in wide varieties and look quite different from one another. As popular as they are as house plants, they are considered to be immensely dangerous for cats. Any part of the plant, if ingested, can cause kidney failure or even death.

All cat parents should be aware of the plants that are poisonous for their pets. Be it your garden or your house, you must keep these plants and flowers away from your feline friends for their safety.