Top Safe and Dangerous Human Foods for Dogs

Top Safe and Dangerous Human Foods for Dogs

Most pet parents cannot resist the puppy-dog face their pets make when they ask for food. Although you may try to keep up with your canine’s diet, sometimes you may feed your dog small pieces of chocolate or let it lick your pasta plate clean. The metabolism of dogs and humans are very different, so not all human food is suitable for their stomach. Here are the safest and most dangerous people foods when it comes to dogs:

1. People Foods That Are Safe for Dogs
These foods can be eaten by dogs without you having to worry.

  • Peanut Butter
    Dogs love peanut butter; it is surely their favorite treat. Make sure you choose the raw and unsalted version that does not contain any artificial sweeteners. Peanut butter contains lots of good fats, protein, niacin along with vitamin B and E that is great for a dog’s health.
  • Oatmeal
    Oatmeal is a great replacement for dogs with allergies to grains. A good source of soluble fiber, it is very good for older dogs that have bowel irregularities. You should cook the oatmeal well before serving it to their canines and avoid adding sugar, spices, and salt.
  • Watermelon and Blueberries
    Both these fruits are low in calories and hence make an extremely healthy treat for your dog. They are great antioxidants and contain the right amount of minerals and fiber needed for your dog. When you’re feeding them fresh watermelon, make sure it does not contain any seeds as they can be choking hazards.
  • Fish
    Fish are very healthy for your dog and full of amino acids. Salmon contains the right amount of protein and vitamins that will keep your dog fit. Even sardines are a great choice since it has soft and digestible bones. However, make sure the fish is cooked, cooled, and does not contain any big bones.

2. People Foods That Are Dangerous for Dogs
The foods discussed below cannot be fed to dogs at any cost:

  • Chocolate and Coffee
    Both these products contain methylxanthines, which is very toxic for dogs. This compound can cause vomiting, abnormal heart rate, hyperactivity, tremors, and excessive thirst.
  • Citrus
    Citrus fruits can cause skin irritation in dogs and even disrupt the central nervous system if fed daily. Even small doses of citrus fruit or food can result in stomach irritation. Keep your dog away from citrus-flavored essential oils too.
  • Raw Meat and Eggs
    Unclean or raw meat is full of Salmonella and E. coli bacteria that are dangerous for dogs as well as humans. An enzyme called avidin found in raw eggs prevents biotin absorption, which causes skin problems in dogs. Raw meat containing small bones can clog a dog’s throat and puncture the digestive tract.
  • Salty Snacks
    Salt is not good for your canine’s health. It leads to excessive urination and sometimes even sodium ion poisoning. Feeding your dog too many salty snacks can and spike body temperature. So it’s best to prevent your dog from eating potato chips, salted popcorn, and pretzels.